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Where do Cars Go at Night? A children’s book of the future

Voula Gkatzidou

The research lab of moovel Group GmbH is addressing the question of how autonomous driving will change our mobility, and illustrates possible scenarios for the future

‘Where do Cars Go at Night’ is a book that teaches children what self-driving cars do at night.

The illustrated book tells the story of a day in the life of the self-driving car ‘Carla-15’. During the daytime, Carla-15 and her car friends carry people from A to B. At nighttime, they do shopping, sweep the streets, and water plants in the park. These examples illustrate how, through fleet management and advanced sensor technology, self-driving cars could be used in new fields and relieve the burden on cities. As an electric vehicle in a car-sharing fleet, Carla refuels at the charging station after her work is done.


Source: Moovel Lab

CARLA-15’s story shows of how life will change once autonomous vehicles are an everyday…

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Creativity can hinder innovation

What facilitates creativity can hinder innovation and the other way round. Nice article on teamwork research in innovation and creativity [ARTICLE]


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IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2016

From the beginning of the computer age, people have sought easier ways to learn, express, and understand computational ideas. Whether this meant moving from punch cards to textual languages, or command lines to graphical UIs, the quest to make computation easier to express, manipulate, and understand by a broader group of people is an ongoing challenge.

The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) is the premier international forum for research on this topic.

The next edition will take place on September 511, 2016 in Cambridge, UK.

For further information please take a look at: