Category: Google

Have you ever tried to design while blindfolded or use your apps with the sound off? You might gain crucial insights

Vinton G. Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google Inc. and the president of ACM, calls especially UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) designers to strive fro accessibility. In fact, we are an aging society that needs assistive response not to mention new groups of people needing accessible apps, i.e. wounded soldiers coming back home. Given the range and potential of new technologies, e.g. Google glass, designers need to carefully address this challenge [ARTICLE]



Tired of your smartphone? What about an anticipatory phone

In the last few years we have all been living in (strict) contact with our smartphones but there is a new player claiming to bring us a step ahead. The Moto X, the first born from the union between Motorola and Google, will take advantage of sensors and cloud-based services to provide us with a new experience: anticipate our desires and fulfill them when possible without even needing to take it off from our pockets [ARTICLE]. Interestingly, it seems that me and Kai Olsen predicted these gadgets almost 3 years ago:  Kai A. Olsen, Alessio Malizia, “Automated Personal Assistants,” Computer, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 112, 110-111, November, 2011


Via Wired

New Companies should learn that Storydoing is better than Storytelling

The big difference and value is in storydoing through action an not in communication only, e.g. storytelling. Examples of story doers are: Target, Walt Disney, Starbucks, American Express, Apple, Jet Blue, and IBM among others. In this study, published on the Harvard Business Review Blog, there is even evidence that storydoing companies are generating a substantially greater number of mentions in social media [ARTICLE]



Attending CHI2013 – Full-body interaction and Displays everywhere

Very interesting sessions at CHI2013 – Full-body interaction [ARTICLE], Displays Everywhere [PROJECT] and a fantastic talk by Harold Thimbleby [Home Page] on dangers of 7 segments displays.


Attending CHI 2013 – On flexible displays, poker faces and embodied interaction

Fantastic presentations about flexible displays [Project], poker faces: building user-centred design at large scale [Papers] and embodied interaction [Projects]
