Category: social networks

It’s time to design the next Calendar App: Design lessons on building Mynd

Mynd is a competeley new kind of Calendar App developed by Alminder, a seed-funded team who had previously worked together at Motorola.  In this article, they shared a few of the design lessons that were learned while creating a Windows Phone-style interface for Apple’s iPhone [ARTICLE].

I must admit that with some of my co-authors we developed a prototype few years ago which somehow resembled the app (see photo below): Teresa Onorati, Alessio Malizia, Kai A. Olsen, Paloma Diaz, and Ignacio Aedo. 2012. I feel lucky: an automated personal assistant for smartphones. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’12), Genny Tortora, Stefano Levialdi, and Maurizio Tucci (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 328-331 [ARTICLE].


Via Alessio Malizia

New Companies should learn that Storydoing is better than Storytelling

The big difference and value is in storydoing through action an not in communication only, e.g. storytelling. Examples of story doers are: Target, Walt Disney, Starbucks, American Express, Apple, Jet Blue, and IBM among others. In this study, published on the Harvard Business Review Blog, there is even evidence that storydoing companies are generating a substantially greater number of mentions in social media [ARTICLE]



Inventables – a marketplace for developers and designers

Leena Rao reports on an interesting initiative: Inventables is a marketplace for hardware and parts for crafting and developing objects or products which fosters design. In fact, whenever you click on a product or part you will find related projects carried out by other users with the same parts or materials. Could inspire future design or collaboraboration but unfortuantely doesn’t seem very populated right now [ARTICLE]


Via: TechCrunch